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U.S. is failing on coronavirus testing, Fauci says
Fauci Says U.S. Testing System for Coronavirus Is `A Failing'
Fauci reveals what happened after correcting Trump at 2020 Covid briefing
Fauci: Testing system 'a failing. Let's admit it.'
U.S. is not 'rounding the corner' on COVID, Dr. Fauci says
How Fauci says the U.S. can get control of the pandemic
Fauci Says US Will Increase COVID-19 Testing, Not Slow It Down | NowThis
Why Dr. Anthony Fauci says he's not getting tested for coronavirus
Fauci: Virus guidelines will fail if not adhered to
Fauci says U.S. must do ‘better’ on testing amid omicron surge
Dr. Fauci sets the record straight on coronavirus testing, prevention
Dr. Anthony Fauci tests positive for COVID